Writefull for Overleaf - User Guide



Thank you for using Writefull for Overleaf!
Writefull for Overleaf provides real-time language feedback in the Overleaf code editor. It uses custom language models that have been trained on research papers and fine-tuned to LaTeX.
Beyond language edits, Writefull for Overleaf offers a range of features to help you write, all tailored to research writing and/or LaTeX:
  • TeXGPT: auto-generates LaTeX code based on your prompt and answers questions
  • Title Generator: generates titles for your text, based on your abstract
  • Abstract Generator: generates an abstract, based on your text
  • Paraphrase: rewrites a phrase, sentence, or longer piece of text you select
  • Change style: rewrites your sentence by making it more scientific, concise, or punchy
  • Split/Join: splits one (long) sentence into two or more, or joins two or more sentences
  • Summarize: summarizes a piece of text you select
  • Explain: explains a piece of text you select
  • Synonyms in Context: gives alternative words or phrases that fit your sentence
  • Language Search: a browsable database of journal articles to explore how words and phrases are used
  • Sentence Palette: a list of common academic phrases across the various sections of research papers, to use in your own text
Writefull’s language services are used by authors, institutions, and scholarly publishers like the American Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the British Ecological Society. For more information, see https://writefull.com/.

Adding Writefull to Overleaf

At the moment, two versions of Writefull for Overleaf are available:
  1. a Chrome extension that can be downloaded from the Chrome store
  1. an integrated version that can be added from within Overleaf. This version is currently being rolled out to all Overleaf users. If it is already available to you, you will find the option to activate Writefull in your Overleaf Account Settings. To simplify the login process, you can choose to link your Writefull and Overleaf accounts—this allows you to log in to Writefull with your Overleaf credentials. For more information about the integrated version, visit this dedicated page on Overleaf’s website.
If you use the integrated version, you will be prompted to create a Writefull account or sign in with Overleaf. If you use the Chrome extension, you will see a greyed-out Writefull icon in your Overleaf bar right after installing the extension. Click this icon to open the Writefull sign-up / sign-in screen:
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In the opening screen (see below), you can sign in or click Create an account. This will take you to the sign-up screen, where you can create an account.
An activation email will be sent to the email address you provide. You need to activate your account to be able to in.
If you have an account but forgot your password, click Forgot your password? in the login screen.
Writefull’s opening screen
Writefull’s opening screen
Writefull’s menu (Premium view) once logged in
Writefull’s menu (Premium view) once logged in
Once logged in, the menu shows you the number of visible (free) and premium language suggestions, and a button 🏆 Upgrade to Premium. With a Premium account, you get to see all of Writefull's language suggestions and access to Synonyms in Context, TeXGPT, the Table and Equation Generator, and the Context Options (Paraphrase, Summarize, Explain, etc.).
If you decide to upgrade to Premium, make sure to enter the email address that is associated with your Writefull account on the checkout page.
Right below, you see a few switch buttons to:
  • Enable and Disable Writefull’s language check
  • Select the English variety of your choice (British vs American English)
  • Enable or disable the inline TeXGPT shortcut

Using Writefull for Overleaf

Once signed in, you can use Writefull’s language feedback and writing widgets. If you upgrade to Premium, you get unlimited* use of Writefull’s language feedback, as well access to TeXGPT, Paraphrase, Change style, Split/Join, Summarize, Explain , Synonyms in Context , the Table Generator, and the Equation Generator .

Language check: accepting, rejecting, and blocking edits

Once you are signed in and Writefull’s language check is activated, you will automatically get language suggestions. To see the suggestions, click on the bits of your text that are underlined:
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You can accept or reject each suggestion by clicking on the yellow or white bar at the top, or use the Accept all or Reject all button if you want to accept or dismiss all suggestions in a given sentence. Writefull also shows you the probability that each given suggestion is correct, to help you with reviewing the suggestions. This probability reflects the confidence level of Writefull's language models that the proposed edit is correct. In the above example, the very high probability (86%) suggests the edit can be accepted with confidence.
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If you’re not happy with a particular language suggestion given by Writefull, click Block Edit at the bottom of the suggestion card (the bin icon). This will add it to your personal list of ‘Blocked edits’, and prevent Writefull from suggesting this change again. You can find your blocked edits in your personal Writefull account at my.writefull.com/login (or click ‘sign in/up’ on our website). On your account page, click the button that says ‘Manage blocked edits’.

Track Changes toggle

For the language check and most of the features listed below, you can choose how you want to view Writefull’s changes: with or without track changes. Click the strike-through S (S) at the bottom of the card to show or hide track changes, making Writefull’s language edits, paraphrases, rewrites, or other suggestions easier to read. This setting will apply to all features, but you can click the S icon anytime to change it.
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TeXGPT uses GPT and Writefull to help you write in Overleaf. It is especially helpful when looking for ways to write things in LaTeX. Think of generating figures, formulas, and more — all within your LaTeX source code. Find more use cases here.
You can access the TeXGPT features by highlighting some of your text and clicking the sparkles ✨ icon, either in the toolbar or in the little menu that appears above your highlighted text.
From there, simply enter your query into the search box to get a response from TeXGPT. You can choose to copy the response, or to directly insert it into your text.
TeXGPT isn't meant to write your papers for you. Using TeXGPT (or any generative AI) to write your work is considered plagiarism and a violation of academic integrity. Please use this feature responsibly to more quickly compose, format, and structure your work in Overleaf.

Table Generator

Writefull’s Table Generator instantly gives you LaTeX code for your tables, based on an image or a prompt. Click the table icon in the Writefull toolbar to access it. Enter a prompt or drag and drop an image of a table, and click ‘Generate’ to see the result. You can regenerate and edit your prompt or image, and as long as you don’t Insert the result into your text, your prompts and results will be kept—use the chevrons at the bottom to click through.
The image you upload can be a simple screenshot; for example, from a published article or a data sheet. There are no limitations regarding file type or size.
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Equation Generator

Like the Table Generator , the Equation Generator lets you instantly generate LaTeX code based on a written prompt or an image. Click the integral symbol in the Writefull toolbar to access it. Enter a prompt or drag and drop an image of an equation, and click ‘Generate’ to see the result. You can regenerate and edit your prompt or image, and as long as you don’t Insert the result into your text, your prompts and results will be kept—use the chevrons at the bottom to click through.
The image you upload can be a simple screenshot; for example, from a published article. There are no limitations regarding file type or size.
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Title Generator

Writefull’s Title Generator produces titles based on your abstract. You need to have a completed abstract field in your LaTeX file for this feature to work. You don’t need to select your abstract manually—Writefull fetches this automatically. Simply activate the TeXGPT context menu and scroll down to ‘Title Generator’. When you click ‘Replace’, Writefull will insert the generated title in a dedicated title field at the top of your document (either replacing your current title or creating a new field).
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Your abstract should be in English and between 150 and 2000 characters long.

Abstract Generator

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Writefull’s Abstract Generator auto-generates abstracts using models that are trained on research papers. The Abstract Generator can be found in the TeXGPT menu. When you click ‘Abstract Generator’, Writefull will parse your LaTeX source, fetch the relevant parts of your text, and give you an abstract. You don’t need to select your text manually. When you choose to insert the generated abstract, Writefull will insert it in a dedicated abstract field at the top of your document (either replacing your current abstract or creating a new field).


The Paraphrase option enables you to rephrase your sentences, which is great if you want to add variation to your writing or express yourself differently. Simply select a sentence in your text, open the TeXGPT menu by clicking ✨ Ask TeXGPT and select ‘Paraphrase’ from the context options. You can then choose to regenerate the paraphrasing output by clicking the circular arrows, or replace your text with the paraphrased option by clicking ‘Replace’. After regenerating, you can move back and forth between the different paraphrases using the back-and-forth arrows at the bottom.
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Change Style

If you feel your style of writing is not quite right, you can use the Change Style option. Use this feature to make your selected text more scientific, concise, or punchy. Like the other context options, this feature is accessibly from the TeXGPT menu.
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Split / Join

The Split/Join feature allows you to split a lengthy sentence into two parts, or join two or more sentences. Splitting a long sentence can make your work easier to read and feel more impactful, while joining sentences can improve the flow of your writing. Select the sentence(s) you want to split or join and choose one of the two options from the TeXGPT menu.


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To quickly understand a large body of text, extract key points for an abstract or discussion, or share a brief overview with a colleague, you can use the Summarize feature. Simply select the text you wish to summarize and activate this tool from the TeXGPT menu.


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The Explain feature offers detailed explanations of your highlighted text, and uses the surrounding content to provide additional information. This option is designed to deepen your understanding of the statements you make and can also assist you in addressing questions from peers and reviewers.

Synonyms in Context

The Synonyms in Context option gives you alternative words or phrases for your sentence. Select a word or phrase (up to 5 words in length) and click the magnifier icon that appears right above your selection. This gives you a set of alternatives to choose from, all fitting your sentence. The percentages behind the alternatives indicate the semantic similarity to your original selection: the higher the percentage, the most closely the alternatives resembles the original meaning. Click one of the alternatives to insert it into your text.
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Sentence Palette

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The Sentence Palette is a collection of example phrases that are very commonly used in academic writing. Simply click ‘Sentence Palette’ in the menu and browse example phrases for the various sections of a research paper (for example, phrases commonly used to introduce the aim of your study in your introduction).

Upgrading to Premium

To see all language suggestions and get an unlimited* daily quota for all of Writefull’s features (in Writefull for Overleaf, Writefull X, and Writefull for Word), you need to upgrade your account to Premium. You can do so here, or clicking ‘Upgrade to Premium’ button in the Writefull for Overleaf menu.
You will be redirected to Writefull’s website where you can select a pricing plan that suits your needs, and then to our payment portal where you can purchase your chosen plan (using your Writefull account details).
If your institution has a Writefull license, you likely don’t have access to TeXGPT, the Context Options, and the Table and Equation Generators. These features are only available to institutions who start or renew their license after September 2024. After this date, institutions will have access to these features by default, but they can still choose to deactivate them for their institutional members.

How to Remove Writefull for Overleaf

If you use the Chrome extension, you can remove Writefull by following these steps:
  • Click the three dots icon in Chrome.
  • Click 'Extensions' and 'Manage Extensions'.
  • Find Writefull for Overleaf and click 'Remove'.
  • Confirm Removal by again clicking 'Remove'.
  • Reload Overleaf.
If you’re using the integrated version of Writefull, you can deactivate the integration from your Overleaf Account Page. Scroll down to the ‘Integrations’ area and switch the toggle to deactivate Writefull.

Contacting us

We are always happy to hear your feedback. If you come across a bug, are missing a feature or just want to chat, drop us a line at support@writefull.com
* Fair use policy applies